



UltraClean UHP technology uses only water, in an extremely technological way, for cleaning and for an accurate preparation of surfaces.
This technology proves to be highly versatile in giving the possibility of removing deeply and very quickly any type of technical or protective coverings, sediments, also very clinging or stratified, oxides and high thickness materials.
Cleaning and removing processes are delivered leaving the original outline of the treated surface perfectly undamaged.
Moreover, surfaces are not subjected to any chemical or thermal stress and during the process there is no dust or gas emission.
The use of this technology allows to carry out cleaning operations both by hand and with automatic tools inside dedicated machines with different automation levels (2-3 controlled arms or humanoid robots).

– FineJets technology is used both for hand and automatic cleaning tools. This technology divides the impact power necessary to the process into a number of jets with high kinetic energy and small mass.
Nozzles with extremely small orifices, also of the order of 0.08 mm., allow water to reach supersonic speed (at 2300 bar, water is 2,5 times faster than sound). Usually, a small quantity of water is enough in order to obtain a satisfying result.
– Nozzles are seated on rotary heads. These heads differ in the diameters of their imprints and in the number of jets. Furthermore, the assembly provides for specific inclinations for any jet and rotations around/on different orbits.
– Rotation is guaranteed by high torque pneumatic motors combined into the tools. Thanks to these motors it is possible to select the speed most suitable for the process.
– This combination produces a round imprint with high pressure and rotation speed that, thanks to variable angles, allow to oust and remove effectively coverings and residuals of process.
UHP technology offers more benefits than conventional processes for removal and surface restoration.
First of all, using only water is an extremely ecologic, eco consistent choice, and highly respectful towards the environment. The employment possibilities of UHP technology, using only water, are countless and the technology can be employed in a number of sectors and with no environmental constraints.
With regard to residuals deriving from manual or automatic processing, it is enough collecting fragments in bags or in filtering systems.
Furthermore, the use of water ensures the possibility of canalizing and collecting 100% of the removed part. Usually, it is enough to filter water through a system with an appropriate filtering and capturing level in order to drain the water directly within the network. In some cases, water, filtered in this way, can be re-used in the process.
In other cases, for a continuous cycle reuse of water, a second and specific reclamation process is required (Airmation dedicated filtering systems and multilevel capture).
With regard to other types of residuals, generally, systems do not emit into the air any suspension or fragment that can be air- or waterborne.
Most frequently, traditional removing technologies usually use chemical products or chemical soaks, abrasives and, in some cases, mechanical removal using tools.
Chemistry proves to be slow and expensive as a whole from the point of view of operative expenses and security measures. Besides, it is very expensive also for the natural environment and for the working environment, too. Chemistry can also latent incompatibilities and scarcely intelligible results particularly during the subsequent processes in which the manufacture is involved.
The use of water without chemical substances allows to leave the treated surface clean and without residuals granting result reproducibility.
The use of abrasives, generally faster than chemical processes, also proves to be expensive owing to the need of arrangement, control and gathering of abrasives. Usually the environment needs to be controlled because of the presence of a lot of dust and gas in the air.
Cleaning a surface using only water ensure a very deep cleaning, with no inclusions or sediments between surface micro-crests, allowing a better cling of coverings to surfaces. As a result coverings will last longer.
After mechanical removal it is usually necessary to prepare the manufacture again through sandblasting or grinding.
In both cases (sandblasting and mechanical removal) it proves to be impossible to distinguish between the covering that is to be removed and the substrate; usually, using these two methods, the substrate is removed, also in excess.
